April 6, 2022

2021 President's Club Announcement… We Have Our Winners!

Stan Morris started Peoples Mortgage Company in January 1998 and has made huge strides in company growth over the last 24 years. Peoples Mortgage has grown to employ over 220 Loan Officers and the company lends in 38 states.

We’re All About the People at Peoples Mortgage Company!

The President’s Club is a representation of Peoples Mortgage’s top Loan Officers. Since starting our President’s Club recognition in 2015, we have had countless Loan Officers earn the special accolades. In 2021, 36 of our top mortgage Loan Officers made the cut, which included a mix of recurrent and new President’s Club members.

Out of the 36 Loan Officers who made it into the President’s Club in 2021, 11 of them are women. At Peoples Mortgage Company, we pride ourselves on diversity in the workplace. Our CEO and President, Stan Morris, believes in treating his employees as equals and values working as a team. The hard work and dedication demonstrated from all the Loan Officers shows that Stan’s commitment to his philosophy of treating everyone with respect and making sure his employees feel like family is felt throughout the company.

We are highlighting our top producers who made President’s Club in 2021. Please see the breakdown of our top 36 Loan Officers in 2021 below.

Stan Morris

Stan is the CEO, President, and Founder of Peoples Mortgage Company. Stan has been in the mortgage industry for 50 years as of January 2022. Stan enjoys working in the mortgage industry, and he loves originating loans. He believes that keeping his finger on the pulse in the mortgage business is vital to the company’s success. Stan believes in the saying that “you will get more bees with honey than with vinegar”, meaning that it's better to treat others well and in return you and everyone around you will benefit. Stan Morris is an active member of the Tempe, Arizona community. Stan has served on the boards of organizations such as the Tempe YMCA and the Tempe Community Council. Stan served as President of the Arizona Mortgage Bankers Association and the Tempe Diablos, a nationally recognized community service organization.

Anders Striemer

Anders has been with Peoples Mortgage Company as a Loan Originator for 2.5 years. He has been originating loans for a total of 12 years. Anders is passionate about mortgage because he shares the excitement of accomplishing homeownership with his clients and their incredible realtors. Anders values integrity in leadership above all else. In his free time, Anders enjoys composing, drawing and creativity.

Andrew Augustyniak

Andrew has been in loan origination for 8 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 6 years. Andrew is passionate about mortgage because he enjoys helping Peoples Mortgage grow wealth through real estate. Andrew values being sales oriented. In his free time, Andrew enjoys golfing and spending time with his family.

Andy Wilt

Andy has been in loan origination for 22 years, and he has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 9 years. Andy loves the challenge that the mortgage industry provides. He says that to be successful in this industry, you must be on top of your game every day. Andy says that "There is a lot of responsibility that comes along with what we do… our clients are depending on us for the best advice and council to make the right decisions; our referral partners depend on us to deliver on our promises". In his free time, Andy enjoys travel, running, snowboarding, and spending time with family!

Becky Patton

Becky has been in loan origination for 8 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 3 ½ years. Becky enjoys helping clients achieve financial and personal goals of homeownership and being the person that they trust to guide them through major, life changing transactions, including purchases and refinancing. Becky values working alongside professionals who truly believe “it’s all about the people”. Becky believes that PMC (Peoples Mortgage Company) Leadership creates a positive and fun working environment and constantly encourages collaboration with every department to ensure continued growth in process, product, and services. In her free time, Becky enjoys wine tasting, hiking, and training her dog, Dean!

Bill Geis

Bill has been in loan origination for over 30 years and has spent 13 of those years at Peoples Mortgage Company as of March 2022. Whether it be a first-time homebuyer, or someone purchasing their fifth home, Bill enjoys working with the client in setting a path to accomplish getting them into their new home. A home purchase is important, and Bill alleviates the stress by helping his clients feel at ease and ensure them that they’re in good hands. Bill values hard work and believes that success is a direct result of drive and tenacity. In his free time, Bill enjoys golfing, hiking, fishing, traveling with friends and family. He also enjoys spending time in the mountains and at the beach!

Brendan Bracken

Brendan has been in loan origination for about 24 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage since 2013. Brendan loves to break down barriers to homeownership and maintain relationships with his clients to serve them on their next transaction. Brendan values being an active leader, where he is putting in the work and not just delegating work. Brendan enjoys boating on the San Diego Bay, watching SD Padres games and spending time with his wife and 5-year-old son, Brodi.

Brant Serchen

Brant has been in loan origination and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 5 years. Brant and his team enjoy working with a strong network of referral partners to help their clients obtain the dream of homeownership and secure a critical piece to financial freedom. Brant values leaders who communicate expectations clearly, provide tools needed for success and who lead by example. In his free time, Brant enjoys golfing, hiking, and spending time with his wife Shannon, their two young children, Olivia and Miles, and their dog, Maya.

Brian Cohrt

Brian has been in loan origination and with Peoples Mortgage for 3 years. Brian got into the mortgage industry when homes appreciated quickly and rates were low, which helped Brian with his success. Brian has helped several hundred people into homes in a short period of time, and these people now have very manageable mortgage payments and a good majority have huge amounts of equity in their homes. Being in mortgage is an important job with a lot of responsibility and there’s not much that Brian doesn’t enjoy in his role. Brian values transparency and accessibility in leadership, which he says happens often at Peoples Mortgage. Brian believes that Peoples Mortgage has been around a long time due to the trickle down of good leadership. In his free time, Brian enjoys spending time with family, going to good restaurants, watching the Suns play, snowboarding, playing basketball and staying active and healthy!

Brian Gething

Brian has been originating loans for about 15 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 6 years. Brian enjoys getting to help educate people about investing in real estate and building long-term wealth. Many of his clients have purchased several homes with him over the years. Brian likes to take the relationship approach and treat his clients as he would his own friends and family; so many lenders can make the mortgage process feel like just a transaction when it should feel like an investment working with professionals they trust. In leadership qualities, Brian values integrity, being available, setting proper expectations and being honest with employees. In his free time, Brian enjoys golfing.

Carrie Hughes

Carrie has been in loan origination for 20 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 10 years as of March 2022! Carrie values building relationships with clients and partners, while helping people achieve their homeownership dreams and having the opportunity to create new memories with their loved ones in their new homes. She helps her clients set up their future with one of the biggest investments they can make – homeownership. Carrie enjoys being outdoors – at the pool, the lake, razor rides and watching her kids play baseball!

Cesar Munoz

Cesar has been working in mortgage lending and with Peoples Mortgage for 7 years. Cesar is passionate about mortgage because he has the ability to help make someone’s dream of homeownership come true. It does not matter if it’s a first-time homebuyer, a multiple homebuyer, who the person is or what their situation is. It only matters that he can help them become a homebuyer. In terms of leadership, Cesar values creating an environment of support and to assist in pushing through barriers to get answers to help find ways to make homeownership possible, especially in tough situations. Cesar says he has been fortunate to be led by many great leaders that don’t take no for an answer, and this has helped shape and guide the way he runs his business to create success. In his free time, Cesar travels a few times per year and enjoys exploring the world.

Chad Fonagy

Chad has been originating loans for 13 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 6 years. Chad is passionate about mortgage because he helps people achieve the dream of homeownership and he enjoys working with his childhood friends at Peoples Mortgage. Being in the mortgage industry, Chad doesn’t take for granted the immense responsibility his clients entrust in him to be the best steward for their home acquisitions. Chad enjoys hanging out with his dogs, golfing, playing basketball and watching movies.

Chrissa Michelle

Chrissa has 15 years of loan origination experience and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 14 years. Chrissa says that the mortgage industry gives her the opportunity to simplify complicated situations. Simple mortgage guidance changes lives with possibilities they never knew existed and she loves to inspire! Chrissa believes that leadership is about providing information and inspiring confidence for others to chart their own course and soar. In her free time, Chrissa spends time with her family and enjoys swimming, yoga, skiing, painting, drawing, photography, volunteering and traveling!

Chuck West

Chuck has been in loan origination for 39 years, 12 years of which have been with Peoples Mortgage Company. Chuck loves helping people understand the mortgage process and their best financing options. He believes that owning a home is a terrific way to build financial stability. Chuck values honesty, integrity, and humility in leadership. In his free time, Chuck enjoys walking miles and miles in the desert!

Diane Greenough

Diane has been in loan origination for 20 years and has spent 9 ½ years at Peoples Mortgage Company. Diane loves helping people achieve their goal of homeownership no matter where they are on their journey. Diane believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to buy a home. Diane worked hard to become a mortgage expert in Nebraska, and she enjoys working with realtors and buyers to get loans closed. Offering to help and guide those in the real estate industry has been an immense joy! Diane enjoys traveling and spending time with family.

Don Hoover

Don has been in loan origination for about 18 years, and he has spent 10 years with Peoples Mortgage Company. Don loves helping people achieve the American dream of homeownership and helping them achieve their financial goals. Don leads by example with his work ethic, communication and always doing his best. Don enjoys hiking, bike riding and cars.

Emily Zach

Emily has been in the finance industry for 21 years and mortgage lending for 7 years. She has been with Peoples Mortgage for 6 years. Emily enjoys helping people with the most important purchase of their lives...their home! Emily enjoys going to her kids' sporting events, attending concerts and spending time with family.

Jake Golembiewski

Jake has been in loan origination for 7 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for a total of 5 years. Jake enjoys helping people achieve their dreams of homeownership, while at the same time providing guidance to clients through a complicated process. The key to leadership is leading by example. There is no task too small to complete if it’s for the betterment of your team and others. Jake enjoys golfing, drinking wine, working out and spending time with his wife, Addy.

John Saavedra

John has been in loan origination for 15 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 9 years. John enjoys the mortgage industry because he can help others. He values consistency and genuine caring in leadership. In his free time, John spends time with his family and also plays soccer.

Jon Robinson

Jon has 12 years of experience in loan origination and has spent 6 of those years with Peoples Mortgage Company. Real estate has been a family affair – his grandparents flipped homes and his family has long been involved in real estate. Jon being in lending has added one more piece to the success with his family in the real estate industry. Jon values the ability at Peoples Mortgage to adapt to changes in the business. John believes that the flexibility with comp, products, and pricing keeps us ahead. John says that PMC "also has a great family feel even with a decently large company".

Justin Toenjes

Justin has been in loan origination for 24 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 12 years. Justin enjoys helping people understand the ins and outs of mortgage. Justin enjoys spending time with his wife, kids, and dogs. He also trains for Triathlons!

Katie Kinon

Katie has been in loan origination for 8 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 2 years. Katie is passionate about guiding homebuyers throughout the entire process and ensuring they love their new home and their mortgage experience. Katie values integrity, insight, and a sense of humor in leadership. Katie enjoys traveling, hiking, pickleball and watching Cardinals football. Katie loves spending time with her grandkids!

Kelly Gibson

Kelly has been originating loans for 35 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 9 years. Kelly is passionate about the mortgage industry because he makes his clients’ homeownership dreams come true. Kelly believes that strong leadership is emphasized by leading by example, making yourself available, communicating and being open to new ideas. Kelly enjoys spending time with his wife, kids, grandbabies and plays racquetball. He also mountain bikes and goes dirt bike riding and fishing.

Kelly Weston

Kelly has been in loan origination for over 20 years, and she has worked with Peoples Mortgage since 2012. Kelly opened up her own branch, the Kelly Weston Branch, in 2009. Kelly is passionate about the mortgage business because she grew up in the business and loves helping people! Whether she can help them now or down the road, she will help clients with a game plan. Kelly puts her clients first because she knows it's not just a loan, it's their home. Kelly values honesty, respect, support, and communication in leadership. Kelly loves spending time with her two kids (12 & 7), her chocolate lab, traveling, wine tasting, spending time with friends and volunteering and helping local charities.

Kristi Taylor

Kristi is a Nebraska native and grew up in Bellevue. With an ease for numbers and a desire to help people, Kristi found her calling in the mortgage industry, where she now has over 14 years of loan origination experience. Kristi has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 8 years. Kristi has worked with hundreds of people in their search for home loan financing. Kristi's lending philosophy focuses on guiding her clients through the lending process, educating them on their financing options and ultimately helping them to decide on the mortgage option best suited for their long-term needs. Kristi is an active member of the West O County Chamber. She enjoys spending time with her children and relaxing on their farm!

Lori Smolke

Lori has spent 24 years in loan origination and 7 years at Peoples Mortgage Company. Lori believes that every borrower, transaction, and home is different and rewarding in its own way. Whether you are helping someone buy their first home, a vacation home, retirement home, or they’re reducing their payment to help budget, Lori is in the business to help people, and that in itself is rewarding. Lori believes a good leader is a part of the pack – i.e., someone who works as part of the team. Lori enjoys spending time with friends and family…. two legged and four legged!

Mark Tomaszewski

Mark has been in loan origination for 6 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 2 ½ years. Mark is passionate about the mortgage industry because they have an immediate and substantial positive impact on their clients' lives and financial well-being. Mortgage gives Mark the ability to not only help people achieve their dreams of homeownership but also the ability to grow their net worth by assisting them as their financial coach. Mark values having the ability to help guide people in decision-making that changes their lives in a positive way. Mark enjoys golfing, working out, hiking and happy hours!

Mark Tronziger

Mark has been in loan origination for 23 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage for 9 years. Mark enjoys solving problems that other originators can’t. It becomes a challenge for him to figure out the most efficient way to get a mortgage approved. Mark values a leader that says, “do what I do, not what I say”. Someone who leads by example and exemplifies integrity and doing the right thing even when it’s hard. Mark enjoys traveling, playing poker and playing chess (but only in Miles Reed’s backyard!!)

Mike Morgan

Mike has been originating loans for about 26 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage since 2009. Mike is passionate about mortgage because of the thrill of closing loans, building lifelong relationships, and making connections. Mike values learning from his team and other Loan Officer’s experiences and fresh perspectives. Mike is actively involved in real estate investing and has been a basketball coach since 1990 at the high school and college level. In his free time, Mike enjoys traveling with his family and making memories.

Mike Omie

Mike has been originating loans with Peoples Mortgage Company for 8 years. Mike enjoys helping people and their families with the purchase of their home. Mike values support and understanding from leadership. In his free time, Mike enjoys crocheting and performing TIK TOK dance routines!

Nick Patullo

Nick has spent 10 years in loan origination and 4 years at Peoples Mortgage Company. Nick enjoys helping people get into the biggest investment and transaction of their life. Nick like the freedom this business gives to essentially work from anywhere remotely. In leadership, Nick values a strong support staff that works to make things happen and also know how to have fun and have activities outside of the workplace. In his free time, Nick enjoys camping, boating, family time and traveling.

Ron Duranti

Ron Duranti is the E.V.P. of Sales and a Loan Originator. Ron has worked in the mortgage industry for over 21 years and joined the Peoples Mortgage family in 2000. Ron focuses his energy on connecting with his colleagues and clients and following the company’s philosophy of treating people as family. Ron still originates loans along with fulfilling his role as Executive Vice President of Sales – continuing his work in originating loans helps Ron to remain knowledgeable on the current events happening in the mortgage industry and to assist his colleagues as needed. Ron values respect and kindness in leadership. Ron has served on the Board of Directors for both MASD (the Mesa Association of Sports for the Disabled) and the civic organization, the Mesa Hohokams. Ron helps to run spring training for the Chicago Cubs and Oakland A’s and raises money for the youth sports programs in the East Valley. Ron has been involved with the Special Olympics since 1992 – and he spearheaded their unified golf program in 1992– the first golf program for the Mesa Association of Sports for the Disabled. Ron also served on the fundraising committees for Phoenix Children’s Hospitals Camp Rainbow.

Rosie Castro

Rosie has been in the mortgage industry since 2003 and started originating loans in 2020 after receiving her NMLS license. Rosie has been with Peoples Mortgage Company since 2011. Rosie is passionate about mortgage and the service she can provide by helping others achieve the dream of homeownership. Rosie especially enjoys helping her Hispanic community and the many challenges they face in achieving their dream of homeownership. Rosie values good relationships built through leadership on her team. She appreciates the efficiency and productivity that she and her team can achieve when working together with one solid purpose: helping others achieve the dream of homeownership! Rosie enjoys spending time with family, cooking good Mexican food, and traveling to appreciate other cultures.

Tara Suckstorf

Tara has been in loan origination and with Peoples Mortgage Company for 4 years. Tara says that becoming a homeowner is a life goal for many and guiding people by educating them on the process and giving them options that best fit THEIR long- and short-term financial goals vs. what she thinks is best is an important part of the process for Tara. Being trusted by clients to assist in such a large investment while realizing the dream of homeownership is an honor. Tara believes in doing what is best for others, not yourself. Tara loves sharing others' successes by giving back. Tara appreciates and recognizes the whole team, including those who may not get credit for the role they play in your or your company’s accomplishments. In her free time, Tara volunteers! She loves giving back to the community and supports the organizations that she is passionate about, especially when she can get her whole family involved. Tara also enjoys painting, making things with the cricket and watching her boys’ activities.

Timothy Rhey

Timothy has been in loan origination since 2011 (11 years) and has been with Peoples Mortgage for a total of 7 years! Timothy enjoys knowing that the harder he works and the more strategic and creative he is, that he can make a huge impact on an individual or family who are preparing for financial mortgage success. Timothy loves the competitive nature of the profession. Timothy values leadership that prioritizes caring about people ahead of financial profit. In his free time, Timothy enjoys coaching football and baseball, bike riding, traveling and spending time with his wife and kids.