March 31, 2022
It’s All About The People

Peoples Mortgage Raises the Bar on Women in Leadership

For the month of March, Peoples Mortgage Company celebrated the hardworking and dedicated women in leadership at our corporate office in Tempe, Arizona.

We have a strong leadership team that is comprised of many women. Peoples Mortgage Company promotes diversity in the workplace, and we have hired and promoted many women into leadership roles.

To celebrate and honor the women in leadership at Peoples Mortgage Company, we are highlighting them below for Women’s History Month!

Barbie Calloway - Team Lead of Outsourced Underwriting

Barbie has been the Team Lead of Outsourced Underwriting for 1 ½ years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for nearly 5 years. Barbie believes that leadership is the ability to see a vision and have the directive to accept the role and responsibility to complete the mission in which you train and empower others around you. A true leader not only directs the way to get the job done, but they also provide their team with all the tools and support required to complete the job. A leader focuses on meeting their goals and helps others to achieve theirs along the way. Barbie appreciates the people she works with. Peoples is a business, but it also feels like a work family. Barbie feels blessed to work with people whose knowledge and skills keep them in the forefront of the industry. They try to come up with ideas to give the Loan Officers a cutting edge in a very competitive market. In a world of change, PMC has not lost its personal touch. Barbie is proud to be a part of the Outsourced Pilot Program and to have support in its success. She is looking forward to continued growth and opportunity that the team can provide. In her free time, Barbie enjoys travel and adventure, photography and home décor and design!

Chloe Cardenas - Accounting Manager

Chloe has been the Accounting Manager at Peoples Mortgage Company for 4 years and has been with PMC for a total of 7+ years! Chloe values leading by example and maintaining genuine working relationships with staff. Chloe appreciates the inclusive culture at Peoples Mortgage Company. In some exciting news, Chloe’s team recently welcomed a new member to their team, which means they are fully staffed again and working at full force! In her free time, Chloe enjoys playing board games, exercising and family movie nights.

Kelli Colton - Funding Manager

Kelli has been in her role as Funding Manager for 8 years, and she has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for nearly 10 years come November. In terms of leadership, Kelli values being able to connect with and empower people through clear communication and the passion for her role. Kelli appreciates the people and the sense of family within the company. She likes being able to work collaboratively with different departments who are excited about their profession and for successful outcomes. Kelli is proud of her team! During the pandemic and adjusting to working remotely while handling high amounts of volume, the funding team continues to impress her with their work ethic and dedication to their role. In her free time, Kelli enjoys spending time with her daughter, DIY projects, thrifting, and baking!

April Conti - Senior Director of Marketing and Technology

April has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 19 years. April started as a loan officer and worked her way up through the marketing department. She landed the role as Senior Director of Marketing and Technology in 2020. April values leadership that encourages collaboration and ingenuity. April appreciates working with Peoples because the company culture is the greatest part. April’s most recent success was being named a 2021 #NEXTPowerhouse Award Winner! In her free time, April cheers on her kids in their sports, and she enjoys crafting, playing games, and just being with friends and family!

Jennifer Deroian - Appraisal Department Manager

Jennifer has been the Appraisal Department Manager for 4 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 5 years. One of the biggest leadership qualities that Jennifer values is integrity. Being true to yourself as well as your co-workers and peers is one of the most important qualities a leader should embrace. Jennifer appreciates that Peoples is one of the most employee/family-oriented companies she has ever worked for. It is a place you can truly call home away from home. In being here for 5 years, Jennifer has had the opportunity to not only be a part of a great leadership team. She has also had the pleasure of calling some of them her mentors. Recently, Jennifer has been on more a health kick which is a huge milestone for her. In her free time, Jennifer loves to paint and listen to music. Family is very important to her and anytime she has the opportunity to spend more time with them, it’s a win!

Summer Edmonds - Director of Branch Support

Summer has been the Director of Branch Support for 2 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 11 years! Summer values communication and trust most in terms of leadership values. She appreciates the opportunities that she has had over the years to be able to work closely with and provide support to different departments. A recent success for Summer is that she was able to work closely with other leaders in the company to roll out an exciting new program. In her free time, Summer enjoys reading and camping!

Christina Guerin - Underwriting Team Lead

Christina is the Underwriting Team Lead for the Non-Standard Department with Peoples Mortgage Company. Christina has been with PMC for 8 years! Christina appreciates the feeling of family that is shown at PMC, and in terms of leadership, she values empathy, transparency and integrity. A recent accomplishment for Christina is that she recently closed on a condo at Pike Place Market in Downtown Seattle and she looks forward to renovating and furnishing it. In her free time, Christina enjoys spending time with her husband, three adult sons and their wives. She also enjoys going to Pinetop and vacationing in Key West.

Kathryn “Katie” Klauss - Senior Vice President of Operations

Katie has been the Senior Vice President of Operations for 10 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for a total of 20 years. Katie believes a leader should have integrity and be able to keep promises and fulfill expectations. She believes a leader should empower others to act and support employees through a shared vision and clear communication. Katie appreciates that Peoples Mortgage feels like a family and that they can have so much fun with each other. It’s about more than just the work. A recent success for Katie was getting through the volume of 2020 and 2021 while in the midst of a global pandemic. It’s something to celebrate! She also loved rolling out e-closings since it’s a new and innovative way to do a process that has been the same for decades. In her free time, Katie enjoys hiking, paddle boarding, reading, and spending time with family and friends!

Lyndsay Magre - Director of Marketing

Lyndsay has been the Director of Marketing for 2 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 5 years! Lyndsay values empowerment, trust, and communication in leadership. Lyndsay appreciates that Peoples is a place where you feel valued for what you bring to the organization, and it is a huge reason why she works here. Lyndsay took on the role of Director of Marketing at the very beginning of COVID and she was able to keep the marketing team running and maintained a positive atmosphere throughout. Lyndsay is proud of the number of awards and recognition that PMC has won in the last few years. Lyndsay enjoys spending time watching her kids play sports and loves to be outside and hiking when the weather is right!

Rachel McHugh - Branch Support Manager

Rachel has been in her role as Branch Support Manager since 2019 and has been a part of the Peoples Mortgage family for 6 years. Previous to working at the corporate office, she worked at one of the PMC branches. Rachel values helping her team succeed and watching them grow and develop in their own professional careers makes her role rewarding. Many of her team members are very young, and she feels honored to play a part in helping them to navigate their goals. Peoples Mortgage Company feels like a family, and Rachel feels that her voice is heard, and that her hard work is appreciated and recognized. A recent success for Rachel is the rollout of the Underwriting Accelerator Pilot Program. Working with many of her colleagues on a quick timeline was incredible to be a part of. Rachel feels very lucky to work with strong women who get the job done and aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty! In her free time, Rachel enjoys wake surfing/boarding, lake days, poolside afternoons, F45 workout classes, skiing, and cozy nights at home!

Amy Nash - Director of Underwriting

Amy has been the Director of Underwriting since 2015 and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for 9 years. Amy values leaders who can transform a company’s culture so that it allows individuals to thrive by being passionate about their company and their leadership role within it. A good leader is constantly learning so that they can find opportunities and seek input from others to improve quality of the company. Leaders that have integrity gain respect and trust. Amy appreciates the people she works with at PMC. A recent success for Amy has been being elected on the board for a fourth term with Arizona Mortgage Lending Association supporting education. Being on the board allows for Amy to interact with leaders throughout the mortgage industry. In her free time, Amy enjoys cooking – especially grilling/smoking, cycling, and hiking!

Kimberly “Kim” Nevarez - Director of Learning & Education

Kim has been the Director of Learning & Education for about 7 years and was previously the Processing Manager. Kim has been with PMC for a total of 12 years. Kim believes that strong leadership is a crucial skill necessary in all organizations for individual growth as well as the growth of the organization. An organization with strong leadership is a win-win-win - the organization, employees and customers all benefit. Since PMC has employees all over the country, they have done in person as well as remote training for years. Therefore, PMC had remote learning dialed in before COVID, and as more people were working from home the past two years, PMC expanded its remote training successfully across the organization to maintain a level of personal and professional growth without losing momentum. The people Kim works with are a team – they all work together to help customers accomplish the dream of becoming homeowners. In her free time, Kim enjoys yoga, golf, and teaching personal finance to high school and college age kids.

Terrie Waite - Post Closing Manager

Terrie has been the Post Closing Manager for 7 years and has been with Peoples Mortgage Company for almost 9 years. Terrie values trust, positive energy, and knowledge in leadership. Terrie believes that when a leader exhibits all the above traits, that it is a recipe for success on a team. Terrie also values communication and believes that as long as you have the vision for an organization that you are a part of, you can grow in your personal and organizational success. Terrie appreciates her team and the company culture at PMC. A huge success for Terrie is that she recently helped to build a team that knocked it out of the park the past few years despite the many challenges faced. In her free time, (until it is 150 degrees), Terrie enjoys playing golf, backgammon and completing projects around her house.